"Everyone I've spoken to about it loves this service, and I say 'put your money where your heart is' then. This young fellow is trying to make a living out of providing us with hyper local weather forecasting, and raise a family! That takes dedication and that takes risk and an undeniable love of what you do.

A monthly donation is my way of saying, 'you got this' and have my trust."

- Michael C., Monthly Donor

In a few short years, Finger Lakes Weather has grown and evolved into something truly special.

Finger Lakes Weather's public forecasting started in 2012 as a Facebook Page. In 2014, that grew to a small blog featuring a weather map and a couple paragraphs of text. Today, Finger Lakes Weather is a full service weather website with alerts, zip-code forecasts, and detailed blog posts and graphics. Even more though, Finger Lakes Weather aims to serve the people of the Finger Lakes with useful information they need.

"It is really a service, not just a weather report."

- Jane S., Monthly Donor

No other weather provider or media outlet in the Finger Lakes comes close to supplying the personalized, hyper local focus that Finger Lakes Weather provides.

Whether that means hours of live video Q&A sessions leading up to severe weather events or answering questions about how the weather will impact a person's unique day-to-day tasks and routines, Finger Lakes Weather is all about a tremendous level of honesty, accuracy, and accessibility that no one else even comes close to.

This has all been made possible through the generous support of donors.

Finger Lakes Weather is modeled as a viewer supported service, much like public radio or television, just without the aid of government funding and grants those services count on. Relying first and foremost on contributions from those that use Finger Lakes Weather allows me to focus primarily on my users. Without the distractions of another job, a handful of clients, or a comprehensive and invasive advertising platform, I can and will continue to tailor Finger Lakes Weather to your needs.

"If we don't support things like this they disappear."

- Marlo C., Monthly Donor

Past fund raising efforts have helped me achieve a number of goals.
Only one major goal now remains:

Cover baseline costs

 Invest in growth and new services

Supply partial income to sustain growth and services

Generate stable revenue to ensure long term continued services


Achievement of the final goal is close. With the pledge of at least $5 a month from 250 additional users, Finger Lakes Weather would be in a financially viable situation to ensure continuation and expansion of the services that make it such a unique, special service.
Donating is fast, easy, and secure. Using either PayPal or Stripe credit card processing, you can be assured your information is safe while having your contributions withdrawn automatically each month.


"I contribute $5 a month; that is very reasonable for a service I use daily. We are fortunate to have this local service!"

- Cindy P., Monthly Donor

Chances are you probably subscribe to something that costs more than $5 per month, such as one of these examples below.

Internet Radio

Spotify Premium: $9.99/mo

Video Streaming

Netflix Premium: $15.99/mo

Cloud-Based Data Storage

Dropbox Standard $15/mo

Daily Newspaper

Ithaca Journal: $10/mo

Online Gaming

X-Box Live Gold: $9.99/mo

Social Media Business Assistant

Hootsuite Professional: $29.99/mo

"There's no way my contributions are equal to what I get from FLX Weather's forecasts! This makes my chaotic life so much easier, and there's no dollar amount for that."

- Marlo C., Monthly donor

"I have found FLX Weather to be the most accurate and relevant source of weather and felt it was time to contribute."

- Adam T., Monthly donor

"It's easy for me to donate automatically each month — no need to write a check and mail it, and the amount per month is such that I don't miss it."

- Chey M., Monthly donor

"If you value something sufficiently, you should pay something for it. Monthly donations make it easy to remember and help provide a stable future for this service."

- Rus H., Monthly donor

"I donate because this site is very accurate and because I want to support local initiatives."

- Mary W., Monthly donor

"My donation is definitely a good bargain. It is worth it to have a more personalized and local perspective."

- Suzanne C., Monthly donor

"Even though I'm not able to donate a lot, I feel I am getting way more than what my money is worth."

- Sharon W., Monthly donor

"I find myself checking FLX Weather whenever I need to know the weather, and *always* to counter other forecasts with an often-needed dose of detail and realism, so it only seems fair that I chip in a little bit toward that valuable service."

- Allison M., Monthly donor

Join the FLX Weather Donor Team!

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169 of 250 donors

You have chosen to donate $5.00 monthly.

Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Billing Details

Donation Total: $5.00 Monthly

Your contributions mean a lot. Here is what past contributions have already supplied:

  • Upgraded website hosting to prevent downtime that used to occur during high-impact weather events
  • Weather graphic templates that allow me to quickly provide relevant information in a professional, clean style
  • Equipment necessary for question and answer live video streams
  • The ability to leave my part-time jobs to focus more fully on FLX Weather
  • The support necessary to invest countless hours of my time in these services

What additional funding will mean for FLX Weather:

  • Ensure the most comprehensive local coverage of severe weather events
  • More frequent updates, including regular evening weather updates
  • The possibility of developing a mobile app (more information below)
  • Less reliance on advertisers for income
  • Additional development of new techniques and services
  • More educational posts, videos, and outreach, including on the climate history of the Finger Lakes

FLX Weather Mobile App

A mobile app has been one of the most requested features that I have not yet been able to provide.
Developing a good, useful mobile app is extremely expensive. Quotes I have received from professional, local small businesses have been in the thousands and tens-of-thousands of dollars. Free or low cost online app builders are extremely limited and would not produce a worthwhile app.
I recognize the value and importance of an app and continue to aim to serve your needs.
As such, I am in the very preliminary phases of planning and developing an app with a friend who is exploring his own app building service. This is a win-win, as it gives my friend the experience of building a professional app while bringing costs down to a manageable level for FLX Weather.
If all goes well financially and with the app development, this could become a reality before next winter. Without additional support though, even this great opportunity will not be possible.

Without this funding, the future of FLX Weather is in jeopardy.

In the end, it comes down to one simple question.
Is Finger Lakes Weather's current levels of services worth a small monthly contribution?
If this Fund Drive meets its goals, the future of FLX Weather is bright.
However, without this additional support, there will be no choice but to reduce services. This is not a threat or a guilt-trip, but the simple honest facts of the matter.
In order to maintain the high level of services I provide, I need the financial backing to ensure I can count on this venture as my lifelong career. Otherwise, I would be forced to look elsewhere, likely outside of the weather industry, for the money I need to raise my family.

Finger Lakes Weather is a dream come true for me and words cannot begin to express how thankful I am to have the support necessary to make this my career path.

Thank you for the support and generosity that make this possible!

Join the FLX Weather Donor Team!

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169 of 250 donors

You have chosen to donate $5.00 monthly.

Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Billing Details

Donation Total: $5.00 Monthly

One more thing....can you share this with other FLX Weather users?