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Monroe-Wyoming-Allegany counties in the west to Onondaga-Cortland-Tioga counties in the east.

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Revolutionizing Local Weather

Meteorologist Drew Montreuil

With over 10 years of daily weather forecasting experience, degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego and Cornell, and a lifetime of experiencing the weather in the Finger Lakes firsthand, meteorologist Drew Montreuil brings an unparalleled expertise to the unique weather of the Finger Lakes.

Finger Lakes Weather is the product of years of study and development. Designed to fill a void of pertinent truly local weather information, is the go-to weather source for thousands of residents and tourists in the Finger Lakes region.

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Finger Lakes Weather is viewer supported. Without your financial support, Finger Lakes Weather cannot continue. Monthly donations are especially beneficial, but each and every donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.

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Finger Lakes Weather's No Hype Pledge

Finger Lakes Weather will always forecast with HONESTY, delivering ACCURATE weather forecasts that are ACCESSIBLE to all. To achieve this goal, a relationship of trust must be developed. Finger Lakes Weather will never hype the weather for dramatic effect or to generate extra traffic. Every word of every forecast is carefully selected to best communicate the forecast in a useful manner that will allow you to properly prepare for the weather.