The Weather Alerts code, which had been buggy for years, appears to have finally suffered a fatal flaw.

New code was being worked on, but is currently on hold due to a lack of funds.

Weather Alerts are issued by the National Weather Service. Finger Lakes Weather does not issue the products shown on the map above and has no control over what is or is not issued!

To toggle visibility of a layer, select/unselect the checkbox. Be advised that multiple layers may need to be turned on/off to display a given alert. By default, the most serious alerts are layerd on top.

Occassionally, frequent viewing of this page may cause stale image layers to get stuck, and thus the most recent alerts will not be shown. This problem will be worked on as a future update, but in the mean time, do a cache clearing refresh (control + F5).

Please note: if no map or alerts data shows, a page reload may be necessary.