No rain in the Finger Lakes for the foreseeable future

finger lakes weather forecast dry
The Finger Lakes will likely remain sunny and dry for another week or more. [Photo by Amy Sharaf]

Finger Lakes Remain Dry

The Finger Lakes will remain locked in a sunny, dry weather pattern for the remainder of this week, the weekend, and at least the first part of next week.

No rain whatsoever is expected during this stretch.

A look at the radar this morning shows showers to the west over Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Canada from a cold front, while to the east, the outer bands of Hurricane Jose are bringing some showers to the New England coast.

Jose will remain well out of reach of the Finger Lakes, and the cold front will fizzle out today thanks to a wedge of high pressure that has been squeezed between the two systems and has nowhere to go.

I’ve taken the chances for even a stray shower or two out of the forecast for today, as it just does not look like any rain will be able to make it into the Finger Lakes.

High pressure will remain stationary over the region through the first part of next week.

This high should also have a roll in blocking the path of Hurricane Maria and should help turn that storm away from the East Coast and out to sea.

Temperatures during this time period will continue to be well above normal with highs in the 70s and 80s.

The warm, dry weather is coming at a great time for enhancing the fall colors that are just starting to show up a little bit.

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Hints of a Change

There are strong indications that a change is on the horizon, though.

Medium range models are showing a strong storm system moving through the Finger Lakes sometime during the middle of next week. Not only will this system bring some rain to the region, but it should erase the above normal temperatures.

What may feel like a big cool down for the change from September to October may really just be a return to more normal temperatures.

The average high for October 1st is 65 degrees in both Ithaca and Geneva.

There is still time for this to change, but there is pretty decent agreement in the models.


Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.