Showers increase late Wednesday across the Finger Lakes

finger lakes weather forecast wednesdya october 4 rain thunder
A front will push into the Finger Lakes late Wednesday with showers and a few rumbles of thunder. [Photo by Brenda Swarts]

Front Brings Some Rainfall

The Finger Lakes will get a little rainfall late Wednesday afternoon and into the overnight period as a cold front slides through the region.

While all rain is welcome rain for the increasingly dry Finger Lakes, this system will generally not be a significant rain producer.

Showers and a few embedded thunderstorms will drop southeast into the Finger Lakes from Canada this afternoon after 4 pm.

During the daytime hours, the best chance for rain will be across the western and northern parts of the region. After sunset, the rain will continue to spread southeast.

finger lakes interactive weather radar
Rain will move into the Finger Lakes late Wednesday. Stay updated with the latest interactive local radar for the Finger Lakes.

Some of the southeastern Finger Lakes may not see rain arrive until close to midnight.

In the few hours after midnight, the front will clear the region and rain showers will move out of the area and dissipate.

Areas west of I-390 and north of I-90 stand the best chance at seeing localized amounts of a half-inch or more. Most areas will see closer to a quarter-inch of rain, with even less than that possible further southeast.

Temperatures Warm Wednesday, then Retreat

Before the rain moves in this afternoon, temperatures will push into the low 80s for most of the Finger Lakes.

Behind the front, however, temperatures will be a bit more seasonable. Despite a fair amount of sun on Thursday, expect high temperatures to be in the low 70s.

The forecast for Friday is still a bit uncertain. An area of rain showers will track from west to east along a boundary.

At this time, it looks like the heaviest rain will miss the Finger Lakes to the south. The best chance for rain will be during the morning.

With the possibility of showers and clouds, temperatures may only reach the low or mid 60s Friday afternoon.

Weekend Preview

A rather strong storm system will move from the Plains, across the Midwest and Upper Great Lakes and into Canada this weekend.

With the center of the low well to the west, this will mean more warm weather for the Finger Lakes.

Some rain showers will be possible early on Saturday as the system pushes a warm front through the area. Most of these showers may be before the sun is even up.

Saturday afternoon looks sunny and mild with highs in the mid 70s.

Sunday, too, generally looks dry as the system lifts far north into Canada. With the low so far north, its cold front never really makes it through the Finger Lakes.

One or two showers may still pop up in the afternoon nonetheless, but most of the area will be dry. Temperatures should push 80 degrees during the afternoon.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

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