Sun works out Thursday afternoon

finger lakes weather forecast thursday april 26 2018
Thursday may start out cloudy but should turn sunny during the afternoon.

One System Departs…

Low pressure over New England will slowly pull away from the Finger Lakes on Thursday, lending to improving weather conditions.

This system is responsible for the rain that moved through the Finger Lakes on Wednesday. A few more scattered showers will be possible this morning, especially near Lake Ontario.

Temperatures are around 40 degrees to start the day and will be slow to rise this morning. By noon, most areas will be in the mid 40s.

Sunshine should increase during the afternoon. By this evening, skies will be mostly clear.

Along with the increase in sunshine will come an increase in temperature. Once the sun comes out, look for the temperature to jump into the mid 50s.

Temperatures will then fall into the 40s again this evening as some new cloud cover starts to make its way towards our area.

…Two More Move In

By Friday, clouds will become thick again as not one, but two storm systems approach.

The first of these will ride up the East Coast on Friday.

Most of the precipitation with this system will stay east of the Finger Lakes, but a few showers will likely drift into the eastern portions of the region.

Some breaks of sun may also be possible, especially late in the day and over more western areas.

Temperatures will be seasonable, thanks to a south wind. The coolest temperatures, near 60 degrees, will be south and east for places like Elmira, Ithaca, and Cortland. The warmest reading in the mid 60s will be to the northwest.

Additional showers are likely on Saturday as the second system moves in from the Great Lakes.

High temperatures Saturday will reach the low 50s, but cold air behind this system on Sunday will make even 40s a struggle.

Winds will swing back around to the south early next week, shooting temperatures up into the 70s by Wednesday.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

  1. John Gregoire

    Looks to be a very dry month here and will put us in negative territory for the year.