Schuyler County
Current Weather
Reported in Ithaca, NY
24 Hour Weather Forecast
Through 3am
Mostly cloudy. A few snow showers.
No weather hazards expected.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
No weather hazards expected.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Tuesday Morning
Scattered snow showers.
Minimal Weather Threat: Locally a coating to an inch of accumulation.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Minimal Weather Threat: Locally a coating to an inch of accumulation.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Tuesday Daytime
Clouds, a little sun, and a few snow showers.
No weather hazards are expected.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
No weather hazards are expected.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
7 Day Weather Forecast
Latest News
December starts with a cold, wintry week
On and of snow showers will be possible much of the week, but some glimpses of sun here and there will be possible, too. … Read More