Finally, weather to enjoy in the Finger Lakes

The FLX will enjoy some great weather Wednesday and Thursday, but unfortunately, it won't last.
The FLX will enjoy some great weather Wednesday and Thursday, but unfortunately, it won’t last.

The FLX will enjoy some great weather Wednesday and Thursday, but unfortunately, it won’t last.

High pressure remains in control of the weather over the Finger Lakes. This will result in another day with plenty of sunshine and just a few cloudier periods.

Temperatures will continue their upward trend, and I believe that the vast majority of the Finger Lakes should at least hit 70 degrees today, with many locations topping out in the low 70s.

Temperatures will drop back into the mid 40s overnight, thanks to clear skies. Bright sunshine will help temperatures to rapidly rise Thursday morning, with most places into the 70s by noon.

Clouds will start to increase from west to east during the late morning and early afternoon hours on Thursday. Skies will become mostly cloudy during the afternoon, but no precipitation is expected. High temperatures should still reach the mid and upper 70s as well.

Enjoy these two days of nice weather, because everything falls apart again after that.

A cold front will plow through the Finger Lakes during the middle of the day on Friday. Widespread rain and some thunderstorms will be likely. It will probably not rain all day, but a few hours of steady rain are possible. Temperatures will still be respectable, with highs in the mid 60s.

A second system is projected to move through the area on Saturday with another batch of widespread rain. Currently, it looks like the afternoon will be wetter than the morning. Again, a few hours of steady rain will be possible. Temperatures will only top out in the mid 50s, and even more cold air will flow in behind this system.

For the third weekend in a row, Sunday is looking rather miserable. Gusty winds will buffet the region while temperatures get stuck in the upper 40s for highs. Lake effect rain showers may also be possible.

The weather will clear out for Monday and Tuesday, but with cold, frosty mornings and daytime highs struggling back towards 60 degrees. This may be one of the last nasty cold shots we get though, as temperatures look to steadily climb over the next couple of weeks.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.