Temperatures soar in the Finger Lakes

finger lakes weather forecast sunny warm temperatures
Sunny skies and a south wind will drive temperatures well into the 70s today. [Photo by Drew Montreuil]
After a rather mild and sunny Sunday, temperatures will rise even higher for Monday.

Very Warm to Start the Week

South winds and sunshine will help temperatures warm well above normal early this week.

This morning, temperatures are starting the day in the mid and upper 50s. Mostly sunny skies will push temperatures upward quickly this morning.

Aiding the warmth will be a broad southerly flow between high pressure just off the southeast coast and low pressure tracking into the Midwest.

As warm air is pumped northward, the wind may get a bit breezy today with a few gusts near or just over 30 mph.

By the mid afternoon, temperatures will peak with highs in the mid and upper 70s. It would not be too extreme to see 80 degrees in one or two of the normally warmest areas.

Skies will remain sunny with mostly just some high, thin clouds from time to time.

Tuesday will start off similar, with morning lows in the mid and upper 50s and a quickly warming temperature.

Cold Front Tuesday Afternoon

A cold front will make its way across the Finger Lakes during the early and mid afternoon hours on Tuesday.

Ahead of this front, temperatures will push into the upper 60s and low 70s. The warmest temperatures will be further south and east, as these areas will have the longest time in the warm air ahead of the front.

The warm air may be enough to trigger a couple thunderstorms along the front. Any thunderstorms that do form may contain some small hail or breezy winds. Widespread strong to severe thunderstorms are unlikely.

Thunderstorm chances will increase towards the east, with mostly just showers further west.

The air behind this front will not be terribly cold. Morning lows Wednesday will be in the mid 40s with perhaps a lingering shower.

The sun should eventually work out, with highs around 50 degrees. Thursday and Friday look dry and sunny with warming temperatures.

Two Cautions

With the warmer weather, more and more people will be out and about enjoying the outdoors. Hiking and Spring Cleaning are bound to be two of the most popular activities.

For both activities, be aware of the danger from ticks. The winter did not kill these bugs off and this year is expected to be particularly bad. Already, I have had a number of reports of above normal tick activity. Even if you are not in the brush in the woods, it is not hard to be exposed to ticks along trails or even in the yard, picking up after the winter.

Secondly is a reminder that New York State bans most burning during the spring months due to the fire danger. While it has been very wet lately and the fire danger is low, the dry air and gusty winds could pose a localized small brush fire risk.

The annual burn ban typically extends well into May.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.