Steuben County
Current Weather
Reported in Dansville, NY
24 Hour Weather Forecast
Through 11am
Cloudy with snow arriving late.
Minimal Weather Threat: Wind gusts (S) 25-35 mph.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Minimal Weather Threat: Wind gusts (S) 25-35 mph.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Periods of snow. Maybe a little rain mixing in.
Minimal Weather Threat: Wind gusts (S) 25-35 mph. Snow accumulation around an inch.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Minimal Weather Threat: Wind gusts (S) 25-35 mph. Snow accumulation around an inch.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers.
Minimal Weather Threat: Locally up to an inch of new snow. Some icy surfaces as temperatures fall.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
Minimal Weather Threat: Locally up to an inch of new snow. Some icy surfaces as temperatures fall.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.
7 Day Weather Forecast
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