First look at the Christmas Eve storm

A variety of options are on the table for the Christmas Eve storm. About the only thing certain at this point is that there will be some sort of active weather to deal with. Click image to enlarge.
A variety of options are on the table for the Christmas Eve storm. About the only thing certain at this point is that there will be some sort of active weather to deal with. Click image to enlarge.

Christmas is still a week away, but the weather hype is already flying faster than Santa’s reindeer. The center of focus is on the potential for some active weather on Christmas Eve.To address this storm possibility, my client,, had me write a blog this morning on the uncertainties and options. For the full run down, you will need to check out that blog article, but here is the summary:

It seems likely that some sort of storm will impact our area on or around Christmas Eve. A storm system that will stay well to our south on Monday and Tuesday will set the stage for a strong storm on Christmas Eve.

The key will be how low pressure over the Deep South interacts with the first storm and low pressure over the Midwest. If the southern and northern parts of the storm combine to our west, we are in for a warm, wet and very windy Christmas eve. If the storms stay separate, a whole host of other uncertainties pop up, but we could probably expect some sort of mixed precipitation or snow event.

What exactly we can expect may not become clear until the first storm moves off the North Carolina coast on Tuesday.

Again, make sure you check out the full article on for many more details on what I am seeing at this point and what it might mean for our Christmas Eve,


Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

2 Responses


    Thanks for giving weather reports that effect OUR area and plans. Hope you enjoy time with your growing family, believe me times goes by fast, most of my family is gone or moved away, we used to have the best get togethers, dinner, gifts, card games and enjoying the little ones. Again thank you for weather w/o hype….

  2. Tom Vawter

    We like your reports, Drew, and have become fans.

    Keep up the good work.