Localized areas of wind damage, especially southwest of the Finger Lakes, and some hail occurred Monday evening.
This is just a quick post to summarize the severe storms last night- I was up until 1:30am tracking the storms, after all, so I am a bit rushed for time this morning.
Here is the forecast I gave yesterday morning, to go with the ‘LOW’ severe risk level I set for the event:
Strong winds and some hail are the primary threats with the storms. The storms should be individual cells or small clusters, aligning themselves in a broken line from southwest to northeast. Most areas will probably not see severe weather, due to the scattered nature of the storms. This is the reason I went with a low, and not elevated risk. Those areas that do see storms, however, could see some intense weather for a time, and I expect a number of severe thunderstorm warnings and reports of downed trees and hail.
I would say the event unfolded about as expected. Most areas did not see severe weather. A particularly intense cluster tracked from Buffalo to Hornell, causing quite a bit of wind damage, but mostly trees down and not actual structural damage (like roofs blown off). Had there been a couple clusters like this one across the region, it would have been more like an ‘ELEVATED’ event, but this was localized and contained to one storm which mostly was outside of the Finger Lakes.
I’d love to hear how you used my updates last evening and how the format worked. For reference, here is the post where I was posting updates. Was this a good way to get the latest live information? Any ideas for improving? Again- I’d love your feedback.
Deb Craig
I have recommended your site to any and everybody… stating that is the most detailed, accurate forecasting that I have ever seen! You provide a great device to the Finger Lakes region. Thank you
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil
Thank you so much, Deb! I am so happy to hear reviews like that 😀
Gail Dalmat
I appreciated your coverage and response last night. I have a fairly new friend up in Geneva, and we were messaging off and on last night. I told her about your facebook page, and after exploring it, she termed you page “exciting.” I don’t know if she signed up/joined/whatever the word is, but I’m guessing she will do so.
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil
Thanks for sharing my page with your friend!