April Snow Brings…
Parts of the Finger Lakes are waking up to a world of white this Friday morning. Most of the region at least has a little bit of snow on the ground of flurries in the air.
It is a scene that plays out almost every April in the Finger Lakes. And it is rather pretty, too, especially since roadways remain clear and wet across the region.
The Finger Lakes’ climate history is rich with snow in April as cold and warm air continue to battle during the transition of the seasons.
Looking at Ithaca’s lengthy climate record, of the last 112 years with snowfall data, only 11 (9%) have not had at least a trace of snow and just 36 years (32%) have not had at least an inch fall during April.
Snow showers will persist for much of the day today as cool air sweeps in behind the storm system. Overnight, those snow showers will end as the storm pulls away. Accumulations today will continue to be minor and mainly on grassy surfaces.
…April Heat
If you really, absolutely, cannot stand to see snow in April, there is usually a good solution: wait a few days.
At this point in the year, whatever falls will be gone within a few days. Even back in 2007, when a freak storm dumped nearly 2 feet of snow here in Groton on April 15-16th, within a four or five days it was near 80 degrees.
This year will be no different.
Temperatures will be in the mid and upper 40s on Saturday, but the real warmth will start to work in starting Sunday.
High temperatures on Sunday should be in the mid and upper 60s, with mid and upper 70s on Monday. Tuesday will also be in the 70s, possibly with a couple thunderstorms in the afternoon.
While more snow can not be totally ruled out, overall it seems unlikely that there will be more snow in the Finger Lakes this season.
Bill Drew
Looks like my back yard on Wood Road between Davis Road and Elm Street Extension. Very heavy snow too.
anne miller
can we assume the drought is over?
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil