A few lake effect showers for Halloween in the Finger Lakes

finger lakes weather trick-or-treat forecast
Trick-or-Treating in the Finger Lakes this afternoon and evening will require some bundling up with chilly temperatures and breezy winds.

Trick-or-Treat Weather Forecast

A chilly Halloween awaits the Finger Lakes today as cool air continues to flow into the region behind Sunday’s large storm system.

While that system is far to the north in Canada, it continues to provide a steady stream of cold air and gusty winds across the Finger Lakes.

The cold air over the warm waters of the Great Lakes is producing areas of lake effect rain showers and a few higher elevation flurries.

This morning, these are focused across the northern Finger Lakes off of Lake Erie and will wobble around throughout the day.

Late this afternoon, the lake effect will start to dissipate as winds become less aligned off of Lake Erie. By this evening, most of the area should be dry.

Temperatures will top out in the mid 40s this afternoon before starting to drop after school lets out and afternoon trick-or-treating commences.

Temperatures tonight will mostly be in the 30s. With winds gusting over 20 mph at times, it will feel a few degrees even cooler.

Don’t forget to account for the wind when heading out this afternoon and evening!

Showery Start to November

A new weather system will start to take shape as the calendar changes to November tomorrow.

In response to this developing system, a push of warmer air will make its way towards the Finger Lakes.

Out ahead of the warmer air, light rain showers should break out and continue off and on for much of Wednesday. A few higher elevations of the Southern Tier may even see a few snowflakes mix in Wednesday morning.

Temperatures on Wednesday will struggle to get out of the low 40s thanks to the clouds and showers.

Once the warmer air finally starts to arrive Thursday morning, the chances for rain will drop, but not completely disappear.

Highs Thursday will reach the low 60s with blustery south winds gusting between 30-40 mph.

Additional rain is likely on Friday as a cold front swings through the region with more scattered showers possible during the weekend.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

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