Sun gradually works out, weekend forecast improves

finger lakes weather forecast thursday january 25 2018 sun weekend weather
Skies will gradually turn sunny across the Finger Lakes on Thursday as high pressure builds into the area. [Photo by Wendy Montreuil]

High Pressure Builds In

After a few more lingering morning snow showers, high pressure will build in with brightening skies later Thursday morning.

Northwest winds persist ahead of this high pressure system, which continues to result in a few light snow showers across the region.

No more than a coating of snow will accumulate from these snow showers and they should dissipate during the mid-morning hours.

At least partial sunshine should develop during the midday and afternoon hours as winds turn more westerly.

A push of milder air aloft could bring some clouds back into the region for a portion of the afternoon.

Temperatures will remain a bit below normal with highs in the mid 20s.

Friday will be a quiet day with a mix of sun and some occasional cloudiness.

South winds will take hold as warm air moves back in. High temperatures should reach the low 40s for most of the area, with mid and upper 40s along and west of I-390.

Weekend Trending Nicer

Some fairly significant changes have begun to take hold in the forecast for this weekend.

Saturday’s forecast remains about how it has. The day should start with increasing clouds with some light rain showers arriving late in the afternoon.

Temperatures will be mild, with highs in the mid to upper 40s.

A frontal boundary will slide through Saturday night.

Instead of a well developed area of low pressure moving along this front, a faster, weaker system is more likely.

This will result in a much nicer Sunday.

Skies will likely still be on the cloudy side, but precipitation should be limited to a couple of stray rain showers.

Temperatures will be warmer as well, with highs in the low to mid 40s.

A system early next week will have some cold air to work with and should produce a widespread light snow across the area. Less certain, however, is the impact of lake enhancement south of Lake Ontario.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

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