July ends on a cloudy note

finger lakes weather forecast tuesday july 31 2018 clouds
Skies will remain quite cloudy for the final day of July, but rain will be hard to come by. [Photo by Helen Heizyk]

Cloudy But Dry

The weather today across the Finger Lakes will be tranquil, but rather cloudy and dreary.

A large area of cloudiness extends between a weather system over eastern Canada and a second system in the Ohio Valley. A small wave of disturbed weather is also moving through northern New York this morning.

The whole pattern is slow moving and unlikely to change much today with the Ohio Valley low only making slight progress in its trek northward.

For the Finger Lakes, this means a rather cloudy, dull day with precipitation and sunshine equally unlikely. There could be a spit of rain or a brief break of sun, but most areas will see neither.

Winds will come from the south-southeast with a few gusts to 20 mph during the afternoon. This southeast wind will help northern areas heat up more as winds flow downslope and warm.

Look for highs in the I-90 Corridor to reach the low 80s with mid and upper 70s over the higher elevations to the south. Overnight temperatures will only drop back to the upper 60s.

Some Rain Wednesday and Beyond

The low pressure system currently in the Ohio Valley will make its way into Ontario, Canada by Wednesday. A couple showers will be possible early on, followed by a chance for some late morning sunshine.

Winds will increase as the low passes to our west, with south-southwest winds gusting as high as 30 mph.

Combined with a little sun, this will help temperatures into the low and mid 80s for most of the region.

Showers and thunderstorms will then pop up in the warm, humid environment during Wednesday afternoon. One or two could become strong with some enhanced wind gusts, lightning, and heavy downpours.

Storms should dissipate to showers Wednesday evening, but the showers will then linger around into Thursday. A few more afternoon storms could pop up, followed by more overnight showers.

Another system will pass by on Friday with showers and a few storms, especially towards Central New York. The chances for rain will also extend into Saturday. Even Sunday and early next week cannot be guaranteed dry at this early stage.

Temperatures will continue to bounce around the upper 70s and low 80s until the middle part of next week when a warm up to hotter weather is expected.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

  1. John Gregoire

    Finished July reporting with 8.13 making the second highest 32 year total for July. Wetter was 2006 at 8.59. These the only two over 8 with just a few over 7. To think in the early days of July we were looking at drought onset.