Areas of ice Friday morning before area warms

finger lakes weather forecast friday january 10 2020 freezing rain ice rain
The areas in pink have the best chance for freezing rain this morning, based on temperature reports and radar trends. Warmer pockets within the pink area will lead to areas of plain rain.

Freezing Rain this Morning

Warm air is pushing north into the Finger Lakes, but is encountering resistance from the cold over the southeastern Finger Lakes. The result has been areas of freezing rain this morning.

Based on reported temperatures and radar trends, I have attempted to identify the areas most at risk for ice this morning. These areas stretch from southeastern Steuben county, into far southeastern Yates county, southern Seneca and southern Cayuga counties, along the Onondaga-Cortland county line, and throughout most of Schuyler, Chemung, Tompkins, and Cortland counties.

Even within these areas, warmer pockets exist where the precipitation will fall primarily as rain. However, those traveling through this region should be on the look out for slick spots.

The freezing rain will gradually turn to rain as the morning goes on, but a few pockets could hold onto the ice into the early afternoon. This is most likely over higher elevations, especially in Cortland and southeastern Cayuga counties. Locally, up to a tenth of an inch of ice could be possible.

Further west, rain will fall throughout the day, but temperatures are already above freezing and will continue to increase.

Warm, Windy Weekend

The rain will become more scattered this evening and push north of the region overnight. Only on and off showers are expected for Saturday.

Temperatures overnight will rise into the 40s with widespread 50s on Saturday. Gusty south winds will accompany the warm temperatures, especially south of I-90. Gusts over 40 mph will be possible at times.

Even stronger winds are expected Saturday night between midnight and dawn Sunday as a first cold front moves through. This front will have a broken band of heavy rain with gusts over 50 mph possible. A few flashes of lightning cannot be ruled out, either.

Temperatures will rise overnight to near 60 degrees ahead of the front and drop into the low 50s behind the front.

A second front will move through during the day Sunday with a smaller chance for scattered showers. After winds abate somewhat behind the first front, they will kick up again behind the second front, this time from the west and northwest. Gusts over 40 mph will be possible as temperatures tumble into the 40s and then 30s.

No snow is expected though with precipitation ending well before temperatures become cold enough for snow.

High pressure will keep the weather quiet for Monday and most of Tuesday with temperatures remaining a bit above normal. A small system will bring some rain late Tuesday, with a better chance for rain early on Thursday. A little snow may be possible behind that second system into Friday.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

  1. […] FLX Weather Meteorologist Drew Montreuil provided an update on what he expects the region to see this weekend. […]