Just a few weekend showers

finger lakes weather weekend forecast august 10 and 11 2024 white cumulus clouds mix with blue skies over the mowed green grass of a golf course overlooking one of the Finger Lakes.
A few afternoon showers will be possible Saturday and especially Sunday, but no heavy rain or severe weather is expected. [Photo by Meteorologist Drew Montreuil, taken at Filmore Golf Club, Moravia]

Quick Weekend Forecast

With all of the late week focus on yesterday’s rain event, I wanted to make a quick post dedicated to the weekend and next week’s weather.

The rain, clouds, and humidity from Debby are long gone out of the Finger Lakes.

Saturday morning has had a mix of sun and clouds, which will continue for the rest of the day.

A couple stray showers may pop up during the mid afternoon. Most areas will not see rain, and those that do will mainly see trace amounts.

Afternoon highs will be mainly in the mid 70s with dewpoints remaining comfortably in the 50s.

West winds will blow with speeds around 10 mph and gusts of 20-25 mph

Skies will clear tonight with lows ranging through the 50s.

Sunday will be very similar. Sun and clouds will be present most of the day, with some afternoon showers and a couple rumbles of thunder.

The rain on Sunday will be more widespread than Saturday, but some areas will still miss out. Localized rain amounts to a quarter inch are possible.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast sat aug 10 | sat, a few stray showers mid 70 | sun, scattered showers low 70 | mon, scattered showers low 70 | tues, a few stray showers mid 70 | wed, sun and clouds upper 70 | thur, sun and clouds near 80 | fri, sun and clouds upper 70
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Temperatures will also be a degree or two cooler than Saturday, thanks to the extra showers in the afternoon.

Winds will pick up again with similar speeds, but a slightly more south of west direction.

The chances for stray showers will continue into the work week. Monday and Tuesday will likely have more showers than Saturday, but fewer than Sunday. It is likely that some areas will manage to escape rain all four days.

Even the second half of the week has a small chance for a few showers, but they should be the exception, not the rule.

Temperatures will remain in the 70s mostly, starting with low 70s on Monday and working up to highs around 80 on Thursday.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast sat aug 10 | sat, a few stray showers mid 70 | sun, scattered showers low 70 | mon, scattered showers low 70 | tues, a few stray showers mid 70 | wed, sun and clouds upper 70 | thur, sun and clouds near 80 | fri, sun and clouds upper 70
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.