Monroe County

Current Weather

Reported in Rochester, NY

24 Hour Weather Forecast

Through 3am

Snow and sleet transitioning to freezing rain, then eventually rain for some after midnight.
Elevated Weather Threat: A glaze to one-quarter of an inch of ice. Locally another inch or so of snow and sleet.
Forecast Confidence is High: The actual weather should nearly match the forecast.

Sunday Morning

Freezing rain turning to rain, starting at lower elevations. A few icy pockets through the morning.
Low Weather Threat: Varying road conditions and precipitation types, but a general improvement as the morning goes on.
Forecast Confidence is Medium-High: Temperatures may vary over small scales due to differences in topography.

Sunday Daytime

Scattered rain showers. A late band of rain and wind followed by rapidly falling temperatures and a flash freeze.
Elevated Weather Threat: Little to no weather hazards most of the afternoon. Wind gusts to 50 mph with the cold front around sunset, followed by a flash freeze..
Forecast Confidence is Medium-High: The timing of the cold front, strong winds, and flash freeze are slightly uncertain but will most likely happen near or slightly after sunset.

7 Day Weather Forecast

finger lakes weather seven day forecast graphic

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