Rain moves through FLX along cold front

Rain will move through the Finger Lakes today along a strong cold front.
Rain will move through the Finger Lakes today along a strong cold front.

Rain will move through the Finger Lakes today along a strong cold front.

The rain will spread from west to east across the region during the mid and late morning hours. By noon, the majority of the Finger Lakes region will have seen the rain start. The rain will last an hour or two for most locations before it moves out.

A second area of rain, with some embedded thunder, will likely develop over the western or central Finger Lakes during the mid-afternoon hours. This will bring another hour or two of rain and showers, especially for the eastern Finger Lakes. The threat for some strong thunderstorms that I mentioned yesterday now appears to be mostly for areas southeast of the Finger Lakes, though those with outdoor plans this afternoon should remain vigilant for lightning.

The front will push through the region this afternoon. As it does, temperatures will rapidly drop from the 60s into the 40s. Overnight temperatures will be in the mid to upper 30s. After a lull in the precipitation from late this afternoon into this evening, precipitation will begin to develop once again after midnight. Mostly this will be rain, but some snow flakes will mix in at times.

Sunday will be a miserable day. Widespread showers will persist through the morning and early afternoon hours. In some of the colder areas and over higher elevations, snow will continue to mix in, even into the midday hours. Temperatures will struggle to get much past 40 degrees until the precipitation starts to become more scattered during the later half of the afternoon. It is late in the day that the daily high temperatures in the low to mid 40s are reached.

In addition to the cold, dreary weather, it will also be quite windy. Wind gusts over 30 mph will be commonplace, and a few gusts over 40 mph will be possible. This will make it feel like the 30s most of the day.

The storm system responsible for all of this weekend’s active weather will begin to pull away Sunday evening. Precipitation will end and skies will gradually clear. This will allow temperatures to drop into the low and mid 30s by Monday morning with frost and freeze conditions likely. Monday looks to have at least some sun, but highs will only just be above 50 degrees.

Temperatures will hover near 60 degrees on Tuesday and Wednesday before starting to climb higher later in the week. There may be a few passing showers Tuesday or even Wednesday, but generally next week looks quiet. The final 10 days of May could end up with above normal temperatures.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.