Intense Lake Effect Snow continues Monday

finger lakes lake effect snow radar monday november 21 2016 snow amounts
A very heavy band of lake effect will continue to pummel the Finger Lakes region well into Monday afternoon.

A very heavy band of lake effect will continue to pummel the Finger Lakes region well into Monday afternoon.

Dangerous Travel Conditions Continue

A very intense band of lake effect snow developed Sunday evening across the western and southern Finger Lakes off of a connection to the Georgian Bay, near Lake Huron. The strength and persistence of the band was surprising.

The band has made a slow trek northward during the pre-dawn hours. The band should make it a bit further north before stalling out and wobbling to and fro for the late morning and early afternoon hours. Areas such as Weedsport, Skaneateles and Tully may mark the northward progression of the band, though north of this main band, a spray of moderate to heavy lake effect also exists.

Later this afternoon, the lake effect will pivot back towards the south. The heavy band will bring a burst of snow back to the areas it has already dumped heavy snow on before the lake effect begins to fall apart tonight.

Inside this intense band, snowfall rates will exceed one inch per hour.

Across the region, strong winds occasionally in excess of 40 mph will continue to blow the snow, including what has already fallen, making for very low visibility and very poor travel conditions.

If you must be out and about today, use extreme caution. If possible, avoid travel all together.

Final Snow Amounts

Areas underneath the intense snow band could easily see 8-16 inches of additional snow today. Other areas will likely see anywhere from an inch or two, to a half foot, depending on band placement and movement.

Snow totals across the southeastern Finger Lakes are well over a foot in some places. Many places in the northern Finger Lakes are around a foot. With the additional snow today, snow amounts around 18 inches will not be uncommon, and some places will likely be closer to two feet.

The lake effect will taper to flurries around midnight tonight, with just a few stray snow showers lingering into Tuesday morning. The remainder of the week will be chilly, but precipitation should be limited to some light rain or snow showers later in the week.

With the cool temperatures and suddenly thick snow cover, a White Thanksgiving is very likely for much of the region.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

3 Responses

  1. John

    Eleven overnight equaling .62 moisture equivalent. Blowing snow continues. Reporting avg 13 OTG but rough to measure with wind/drifts. Tree Sparrows finally showed up at dawn.

    • Meteorologist Drew Montreuil

      Thanks, John!

  2. […] Weather meteorologist Drew Montreuil reports that 18 to 24 inch snow totals for this event will not be uncommon. Especially within the […]