Bitter cold continues across Finger Lakes

finger lakes weather forecast cold wind chill arctic blast
Bitter cold temperatures and wind chills will persist through Friday morning. Then, a brief warm-up will precede another arctic blast.

Frigid Thursday Forecast

Thursday will be a frigid day across the Finger Lakes as the core of the current arctic blast moves overhead.

Morning temperatures are starting generally around zero degrees, but it feels even colder with the wind chill.

finger lakes weather wind chill observation 7am thursday december 28 2017
Wind chill readings at 7 am this morning were well below zero across the Finger Lakes. Extreme wind chill values were widespread across northern New York and Canada. Click to enlarge.

Wind chill values at 7 am were observed to be roughly between -5 and -15 degrees. Of course, sheltered areas will not have as much of a wind chill effect while open rural areas may feel even colder.

Sub-zero wind chills will remain in place across the Finger Lakes throughout the day Thursday as winds gust from the northwest at 25-35 mph.

Daytime temperatures will not rise much. Many places will only see single digits for daily high temperatures.

A few places will just manage to get to or slightly above 10 degrees.

Lake effect snow is extremely limited due to the cold. Still, a few stray flurries will be possible, especially across the northeastern parts of the Finger Lakes.

Temperatures will drop this evening and Friday morning should be as cold or slightly colder than this morning.

Small “Warm” Up

Winds will begin to swing around to the southwest and then south Friday into Saturday as a weak weather system approaches.

This should take some of the bite off of the bitter cold, though temperatures will still be well below normal.

After more near and sub-zero lows Friday morning, temperatures should return to the teens Friday afternoon.

Most areas should reach the mid and upper teens before temperatures drop again during the evening.

Overnight Friday, the temperature should stop falling and may even rise a few degrees by sunrise Saturday. The warming trend will continue into the daytime hours, with highs in the low 20s.

A couple of flurries will be possible on Friday with a more widespread light snow on Saturday. Total accumulations should be less than two inches.

Back to Bitter Cold

This weather system will be absorbed by a second low over the Atlantic Ocean later Saturday.

That will, in turn, shift winds back to the northwest and increase them. Bitter cold arctic air will flood back into the Finger Lakes as a result.

Temperatures Sunday morning will again be near or below zero with little upward movement in the temperature during the day.

Most places will only reach the mid single digits for highs Sunday while winds gust to 30 mph.

Wind chills will be back below zero throughout the day and could go as low as -20 Sunday evening for the New Year’s celebrations.

Please take the cold seriously and be prepared for it as you celebrate Sunday evening.

Some areas of light snow will also be possible on Sunday, but like today, it may be too cold for much lake effect development.

Monday morning may end up as the coldest morning in these two arctic blasts. Temperatures may slowly warm a tiny bit next week, but the forecast remains very uncertain.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

  1. […] FLX Weather Meteorologist Drew Montreuil says sub-zero wind chills will be the norm throughout the day, as temperatures struggle to rise through the single-digits. Northwest wind gusts will persist throughout the day, and fall in the range of 25 to 35 mph. […]