Saturday Daytime:
Precipitation: Mostly dry. A few pop-up showers and storms, mainly west of Seneca Lake, late in the day.
Temperatures/Humidity: Mid and upper 80s. Dewpoints in the upper 50s to mid 60s
Hazards: Very localized lightning, heavy downpours. A few strong thunderstorm wind gusts.
Saturday Night:
Precipitation: Widespread thunder and heavy downpours after midnight.
Temperatures/Humidity: 65-70 degrees, both temperature and dewpoint.
Hazards: Very localized lightning, heavy downpours. A few strong thunderstorm wind gusts.
Sunday Morning:
Precipitation: A lingering shower early. Otherwise, dry.
Temperatures/Humidity: Rising through the 70s. Dewpoints staying in the upper 60s to near 70.
Hazards: None.
Sunday Afternoon:
Precipitation: Showers and storms develop into slow-moving clusters after 2 PM.
Temperatures/Humidity: Between 80-85 degrees. Dewpoints staying in the upper 60s to near 70.
Hazards: Lightning, heavy rain, localized flash flooding, possibly moderate to severe in worst-case scenarios. A few strong thunderstorm wind gusts.
Sunday Night:
Precipitation: A lingering early shower or storm, then dry.
Temperatures/Humidity: Dropping to the low and mid 60s for both temperature and dewpoint.
Hazards: Localized residual flooding early. Patchy fog. Increasing wildfire smoke.
Precipitation: Dry until a few late showers or storms. Possibly smoky skies.
Temperatures/Humidity: Mid 80s. Dewpoints in the mid 60s.
Hazards: Possibly some air quality concerns from wildfire smoke. Remains uncertain at this time.
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