Sunny skies and warming temperatures

finger lakes weather forecast thursday december 14 2023 sunny mild cloudy weekend
Temperatures will start to rise today, but will be at their warmest on Friday. Our next weather maker arrives Sunday Night into Monday. [Photo by Lois Kozlowski]

End of Week Weather

A large area of high pressure centered over the Ohio River Valley will take hold of our weather for the end of the week.

Early this morning, there is still some lingering lake effect, mainly over portions of Cortland and Onondaga counties. These flurries should continue to dissipate and lift northward as southwest winds take hold.

The rest of the region is starting out with mostly clear skies, or some thin passing clouds. This will continue to be the case throughout the day, with plenty of sunshine and some occasional clouds that will do little to block the sun.

Southwest winds will be steady, but not overly strong, with wind speeds under 10 mph. Cold air will start to erode away with highs for many areas near or into the 40s. Higher elevations and snow-covered portions of the southeastern Finger Lakes will stick to the upper 30s.

The southwest wind will remain steady through the overnight, and skies will remain mostly clear. Even the thin passing clouds of the daytime should dissipate after a few hours this evening.

After an initial drop into the 30s, overnight temperatures will mostly remain steady. Some areas near Rochester may spend most of the night near 40 degrees. The coolest temperatures will again be found in the southeast, where low 30s will be common.

Friday will again have lots of sun and just a few passing thin clouds. Winds will shift slightly towards the west but will still be connected to mild air to our southwest. Teaming up with the sunshine, this will push temperatures to the upper 40s and low 50s.

finger lakes weather 2024 calendar and almanac sales end december 15th 2023.

Time is Almost Up!

The Finger Lakes Weather 2024 Calendar and Almanac sale is almost over. You have today and tomorrow to order your calendar. That is it! After two months and hundreds of orders, you are on the cusp of missing out if you have not placed your order yet.

This calendar is printed locally on high quality, sturdy paper. The pictures are exquisite and showcase the beauty and variety of the weather in our region. And no where else can you get the plethora of weather statistics and records from around the Finger Lakes, the on-grid historic local weather events, or add-on weather tracking stickers. And yet, even with all of this information, the calendar remains a functional calendar with space for writing events, or for enhancing it as a weather journal with your observations.

The calendar sale is an important part of funding Finger Lakes Weather for the coming year, so you can feel doubly good about your purchase. Grab a couple extra for a great, locally focused gift, too!

I missed the boat last year, and was glad to be able to get one for the coming year. It’s beautiful, and I appreciate the details. Thank you! – Lauren


A well-designed calendar including photos of FLX locations and room to write in the blocks each day. The weather information on each page makes it so much better than other simply pretty calendars. I will cherish this calendar the entire year of 2024. – Kay

» Get your calendar here before it is too late!

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast thu dec 14 | thur, sunny, a few clouds low 40 | fri, sunny, a few clouds low 50 | sat, mostly cloudy mid 40 | sun, overcast night rain upper 40 | mon, periods of rain mid 40 | tues, snow showers near 30 | wed, sun and clouds mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Dry Weekend, Monday Rain

The weather pattern will shift over the weekend. The large Ohio Valley high pressure system will weaken and dissipate, while a new, fast moving high will race across eastern Canada.

A pair of low pressure systems will then fill the void, with one moving across Canada behind the high, and the second developing along the East Coast.

For Saturday, winds will go calm and then turn to the east as the first high hands off control to the second high. This changing of the guard will produce some cloud cover, though some breaks of sun will still be possible on Saturday, particularly in the morning.

The connection to our stream of warm air will be cut off, but there will not be any cold air to rush in to take over. As a result, highs on Saturday will not be as warm as Friday, but should still be about ten degrees above average. Look for afternoon highs mainly in the mid 40s with some upper 40s mixed in.

Sunday will be very cloudy as the coastal low and Canadian low both throw clouds in our direction. The coastal low will have more of a direct impact on our weather, though.

With a breezy southeast wind developing, temperatures Sunday will start out in the mid and upper 30s with highs in the upper 40s to near 50 degrees.

No rain is expected during the daytime hours, but by the evening, some showers may start to arrive.

Late Sunday night into Monday seems to be the prime window for rain, and heavy rain will be possible. How much rain we see will ultimately depend on the path of the low pressure system.

In a similar vein as last weekend, the potential for snow on the backside of the rain will need to be monitored but does not look like a big issue at this point.

Scattered snow showers will be possible into Tuesday with a small chance for a second round of precipitation into Wednesday.

More likely, however, is dry weather for the middle and end of next week with temperatures holding steady near average in the 30s.

finger lakes weather 2024 calendar and almanac, Order today sales end dec. 15th
Click the banner to order.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast thu dec 14 | thur, sunny, a few clouds low 40 | fri, sunny, a few clouds low 50 | sat, mostly cloudy mid 40 | sun, overcast night rain upper 40 | mon, periods of rain mid 40 | tues, snow showers near 30 | wed, sun and clouds mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.