Rainy today, then quiet weather until the weekend

finger lakes weather forecast wednesday march 6 2024 cloudy rain cold front
Rain will become widespread today and tonight, but conditions will then be dry until later Saturday. [Photo by Gwen Moshier]

Weather Through Friday

A slow moving cold front will creep eastward across the region today. Low pressure will ride up along the front from the southeastern United States.

For the morning hours, areas of on and off showers will come and go across the Finger Lakes. The rain that does fall will generally be light.

During the afternoon, the showers will gradually become more numerous, and late in the afternoon, the rain will become widespread as the low draws nearer. Steady rain will continue into the evening hours, gradually tapering off from northwest to southeast during the overnight.

Even as the shield of steady precipitation ends, areas of drizzle and light precipitation may linger into the hours near dawn Thursday. The majority of this will be rain, but a few colder pockets could experience a little bit of freezing rain. Most areas will not have to worry about ice, though.

Temperatures are warm to start this morning with widespread mid and upper 40s and a few low 50s. With thick clouds and the showers, and winds that will be light to nearly calm, temperatures will not rise a whole lot today.

The warmest afternoon temperatures will be in the broad valleys of the Southern Tier, where mid and pockets of upper 50s are likely. Most areas will be in the low to perhaps mid 50s. Near Lake Ontario, temperatures will drop to the upper and mid 40s.

Temperatures will fall through the 40s this evening with mid 30s for lows in most areas. Again, a few cold pockets may slip down to the low 30s.

Thursday morning will be locked in with thick clouds and perhaps some fog and drizzle. Over time, the clouds will thin out, and sunshine should start to appear with greater frequency through the afternoon.

A steady north wind with speeds around 10 mph will ensure temperatures top out in mostly the mid 40s with pockets of upper 40s.

Winds will turn back to the south on Friday and skies will go from sunny early to cloudy late. Morning lows will be in the upper 20s and low 30s, but afternoon highs will be in the mid and upper 50s.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wed mar 6 | wed, periods of rain low 50 | thur, am clouds pm sun mid 40 | fri, am sun pm clouds mid 50 | sat, late rain upper 40 | sun, windy snow showers near 40 | mon, windy am snow showers upper 30 | tues, mostly sunny upper 40
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Weekend Weather and Next Week Preview

The south wind and increase in clouds on Friday will be a clue that active weather is heading our way. For much of Saturday, though, the rain may hold off. Current projections are for a dry morning and midday, with only a slow increase in showers through the afternoon.

Winds will increase on Saturday, turning slightly to the southeast, with speeds around 15 mph. The highest gusts will be over higher elevations, coming in at 35-40 mph. Most other gusts will be 25-35 mph.

Saturday’s temperatures will top out in the upper 40s for most areas, but along and north of I-90, some low 50s will be possible.

Rain will increase Saturday night, possibly turning to snow by sunrise Sunday, pending the path of the low pressure system. The widespread precipitation will end Sunday morning.

Sunday will then turn blustery with northwest winds. A spray of lake effect snow showers seems likely, though daytime temperatures may be warm enough to prevent any real accumulation.

There are many factors that are still uncertain about the evolution of this system, especially on Sunday. Small adjustments in the track of the low pressure could result in large changes to the forecast. Continue to monitor for updates.

Chilly northwest winds and lake effect snow showers will continue into Monday. During the nighttime hours, areas of accumulating snow will be more likely. Again, stay tuned.

As has been our pattern, the cold will not last. Tuesday will be sunny with highs bouncing back to the upper 40s. Most of the rest of next week looks to have temperatures at least in the mid 50s.

The weather next week looks generally quiet, with low chances for precipitation most of the time until an uptick in rain chances next weekend.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wed mar 6 | wed, periods of rain low 50 | thur, am clouds pm sun mid 40 | fri, am sun pm clouds mid 50 | sat, late rain upper 40 | sun, windy snow showers near 40 | mon, windy am snow showers upper 30 | tues, mostly sunny upper 40
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.