Cool, showery weather starts the week

finger lakes weather forecast monday august 19 2024 thick grey clouds with distant hills fuzzy from rain or drizzle. Birds are sitting on a wire that goes across the image with a few yellow goldenrod along the bottom.
Temperatures will spend a couple days in the 60s, which is typical for August, but plenty more warm weather is on still to come this season. [Photo by Joan Lockwood]

Early Week Weather

An area of low pressure is meandering through the Finger Lakes this morning.

Immediately behind the low pressure center is a slow-moving band of rain. The rain may fall a bit hard at times as this band moves through, lasting an hour or two at most.

As this rain band passes, winds will turn to the northwest and increase. Wind speeds will be over 10 mph at times with gusts of 25-30 mph.

These winds will bring in cool air with temperatures rising very little today. Most areas will see high temperatures this morning with afternoon temperatures ranging from the upper 50s in higher elevations to the mid 60s.

Additional showers, enhanced by Lake Ontario, will be spattered about the region throughout the day. These should diminish, but not completely dissipate, late this afternoon and this evening.

Occasional showers will persist overnight, with lows dropping to the low and mid 50s with some mid and upper 40s in pockets across Wyoming, Allegany, Steuben, and Cortland counties.

Tuesday will not be a whole lot different than today. Scattered lake effect showers will continue, clouds will be plentiful, and northwest winds will be a bit blustery.

High temperatures again will range from the upper 50s in the hilltops to the mid 60s in the typically warmer valley and urban locations.

Checking the record books, the average lowest daily maximum for August in Ithaca is 65 degrees, so this is certainly in the ballpark of what we see during a normal August.

Skies may clear some Tuesday night, though a stray shower cannot be totally ruled out. The northern half of the region will fall to the low 50s, while the southern half reaches the mid and upper 40s.

The low will still be just close enough on Wednesday for a few stray showers. Sunshine should increase, though, and any rain should be brief and light. Not all areas will see rain on Wednesday.

Winds will not be much lighter on Wednesday, and highs will generally stick to the low and mid 60s.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast mon aug 19 | mon, numerous showers mid 60 | tues, scattered showers low 60 | wed, a few scattered showers mid 60 | thur, sun and clouds near 70 | fri, sun and clouds mid 70 | sat, sun and clouds near 80 | sun, sun and clouds low 80
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Back to Summer

A large area of high pressure will build in for the latter half of the week and will persist through the weekend.

This should give us a prolonged period of sunshine and warming temperatures.

While unlikely, there may still be a very small chance for a lingering shower on Thursday. For the most part, though, it will just be a day of sun and clouds.

Temperatures should bounce back to around 70 degrees after another morning of 40s and low 50s.

Friday will be dry with lots of sunshine. Morning temperatures will be a touch warmer, and afternoon highs will range through the 70s.

By Saturday, temperatures will be back around 80 degrees. It will continue to be dry and sunny.

Temperatures will continue to march upward on Sunday, with highs at least getting above 80 degrees.

Mid 80s are likely by the start of next week, though it could be even warmer if everything plays out right. Warm temperatures will persist through the remainder of August.

With the increase in heat, and presumably humidity, will come a small chance for a few pop up showers and storms during the early and middle parts of next week. However, more organized precipitation doesn’t really seem to have much of a chance until the closing days of August.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast mon aug 19 | mon, numerous showers mid 60 | tues, scattered showers low 60 | wed, a few scattered showers mid 60 | thur, sun and clouds near 70 | fri, sun and clouds mid 70 | sat, sun and clouds near 80 | sun, sun and clouds low 80
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.

  1. James Hamilton

    I like your use of the verb “spattered” for the scattered showers today!