Strong winds, lake effect snow, cold temperatures

Finger lakes weather forecast monday february 17 2025 blowing snow covers a roadway while obscuring nearby trees and a yellow house to the left.
Lake effect snow will lift north through the morning, but strong winds will persist even into Tuesday with blowing and drifting snow and cold wind chills. [Photo by Meteorologist Drew Montreuil, taken in West Groton]

Early Week Weather Hazards

In the wake of the strong low pressure that moved overhead yesterday, strong winds and lake effect snow have developed as cold air continues to surge into the region.

Flurries and squalls are scattered about the Finger Lakes this morning. Some of the squalls have been particularly intense and have triggered Snow Squall Warnings. A quick inch or two will be possible in these heavy squalls.

The snow will gradually drift northward this morning and should be contained to the far northern reaches of the region by the early afternoon and mainly north of the area by the later afternoon.

Winds will only increase this morning and remain strong into the afternoon. Blowing and drifting snow will be a significant concern, especially in open rural areas. The wind will be mainly from the west, meaning north-south roads and in particular the southbound lanes will be particularly impacted.

Already there have been reported wind gusts over 50 mph and that will continue to be the case throughout the day. Wind advisories and high wind warnings are in effect throughout the region.

Temperatures will only rise a few degrees for highs roughly around 20 degrees. With the wind, however, it will feel closer to or below zero.

The wind will back off slightly tonight, but occasional gusts near or over 30 mph will be possible. With temperatures dropping into the single digits, wind chills will be in the -10 to -20 degree range overnight and into very early Tuesday morning.

Lake effect snow will stay at the very edge of our region along the shore of Lake Ontario in Wayne and Cayuga Counties and along the Oswego-Onondaga county line. The band will remain nearly stationary overnight and throughout Tuesday.

While the rest of the Finger Lakes remain dry and may even see a little sun, snow totals in the above described areas may be measured in feet.

Winds will gust to 35 mph on Tuesday, still from the west, causing more blowing and drifting snow. Wind chills will remain below zero with afternoon highs only in the mid 10s.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast mon feb 17 | mon, windy areas of snow near 20 | tues, windy blowing snow mid 10 | wed, a few snow showers upper 10 | thur, some light snow near 20 | fri, a few am snow showers low 20 | sat, a few snow showers near 30 | sun, mostly cloudy, mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Quieter Weather

The lake effect snow band will gradually sink southward and expand Tuesday night, producing light to moderate snow across much of the northern and eastern Finger Lakes by Wednesday morning. Locally a few inches may fall before the band again lifts north and consolidates by the afternoon.

The wind will finally diminish on Wednesday with top gusts only around 20 mph. Temperatures will not be much different though, starting in the single digits and mostly staying under 20 degrees.

I have been monitoring a possible weather system for Thursday that now looks like it will be far to our southeast. Still, a little snow enhanced by Lake Ontario will be possible with most areas seeing no more than an inch.

A few lake effect flurries will remain possible into Friday morning before dry weather for the afternoon.

Temperatures Thursday will start near 10 and peak near 20 degrees, while Friday will start in the mid 10s and reach the low 20s.

A few snow showers will also be possible on Saturday, but no significant weather is expected. Temperatures should make a jump back toward 30 degrees.

Temperatures will probably stay near or above 30 degrees for most of next week with hints of slightly warmer weather yet come the beginning of March.

With a quieter jet stream pattern, most of next week is looking quiet, though small spurts of lake effect snow will remain a possibility.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast mon feb 17 | mon, windy areas of snow near 20 | tues, windy blowing snow mid 10 | wed, a few snow showers upper 10 | thur, some light snow near 20 | fri, a few am snow showers low 20 | sat, a few snow showers near 30 | sun, mostly cloudy, mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.