Skies gradually clear Wednesday

finger lakes weather forecast wednesday january 29 2020 clouds lake effect sunshine cold
Wednesday will transition from the cloudy, damp chill of the early week to some sunshine as drier air slowly works in. [Photo by Gwen Moshier]

Cold Night Ahead

Northwest winds continue to produce lake effect clouds and even a couple flurries or drizzle patches this morning.

These winds will shift to the north today and drier air will start to push in from the north. This will lead to gradual clearing across the region today, though some areas may remain cloudy well into the afternoon.

The clouds will be most stubborn across the Southern Tier where some of the moisture gets locked in. These areas may not clear out until this evening.

Much of the Finger Lakes should see at least some sunshine today though, starting in the north and working south this afternoon.

Temperatures will top out in the upper 20s and low 30s for most areas, with a few mid 20s in the higher elevations of Central New York.

Overnight temperatures will vary based on topography, with areas near the lakes staying in the teens while outlying areas fall into the single digits. The I-81 Corridor may slip below zero.

After the cold start, Thursday will rebound into the low and mid 30s. The warming will be helped along by a light south wind and sunshine filtered through a few thin clouds.

Weekend Weather

Friday will start with some sunshine, but clouds will increase through the day. These clouds will be in response to low pressure developing over the South East and a second low entering the Upper Great Lakes.

Temperatures on Friday will start mostly in the 20s before rising to the mid and upper 30s.

By Friday night, a small area of flurries will break out over the Finger Lakes between these systems. Only a light dusting of snow is expected.

On Saturday, the Southeastern system will track harmlessly off the Mid-Atlantic coast while the Great Lakes low continues southeast.

In between these systems, we will remain cloudy, but much of Saturday will be dry. Temperatures will again warm above freezing, topping out in the mid and upper 30s.

Our chances for snow showers will increase again Saturday night and into Sunday. These look to just be spotty, on and off flurries with another coating for most areas.

The one exception may be the far western Southern Tier, which will be closer to the low pressure and thus could see a couple inches.

Sunday’s highs will be in the low and mid 30s.

Monday looks dry before the next system moves towards our region for the middle of next week.

Local News from the Cortland Voice

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.