Warm Wednesday before cool pattern settles in

finger lakes weather forecast wednesday april 14 2021 sun clouds cold front showers
Mild air will stick around today until a late afternoon cold front. A cool, showery pattern will then develop and persist through next week. [Photo by Meteorologist Drew Montreuil]

Low Pressure Returns

Low pressure over the Great Lakes retreated to the west yesterday, but will start to creep back toward the east today.

The weather today will be similar to yesterday as a final day of mild, relatively quiet weather before cool and unsettled weather return.

Skies will be a mix of sunshine and a few clouds this morning. During the midday and afternoon hours, more puffy cumulus clouds will develop, and skies may even become mostly cloudy for a time.

Light southwest winds will help temperatures push into the low and mid 60s this afternoon. However, during the latter half of the afternoon, a subtle cold front will drop southeast through the region, turning winds to the north-northwest.

This front may be accompanied by a few scattered showers. Most areas will stay dry. As the front passes, late afternoon and early evening temperatures will take a quick drop into the mid 50s.

The chance for a few showers will continue into the evening with temperatures falling through the 40s. Most areas will end up in the low 40s by dawn Thursday.

A band of steadier rain will develop Thursday morning as low pressure takes shape along the Mid-Atlantic coast. The rain will be pulled to the east as the low moves north. By the mid-afternoon, precipitation should be mostly east of Cayuga Lake.

Temperatures will rise little tomorrow with highs in the mid 40s. Afternoon temperatures over Central New York may even drop to the upper 30s, allowing for some higher elevation snow to mix in with no accumulation.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wednesday april 14 2021
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Cool and Unsettled

Thursday night should be mostly dry throughout the Finger Lakes, though a few stray showers and flurries cannot be ruled out. Temperatures will fall back into the 30s, though most areas should stay above freezing.

Precipitation will spiral back into the area on Friday in the form of on and off rain showers with occasional flurries mixing in. Temperatures will again struggle, only reaching the low and mid 40s for highs. Northwest winds will blow with gusts of 20-30 mph, with the strongest winds across the Southern Tier.

Saturday looks like a quiet day, though the clouds will be thick early on and may be difficult to displace. The best chance for some sunshine will come during the second half of the afternoon. Winds will be more northerly, but lighter, with speeds under 10 mph and gusts under 20 mph.

Temperatures may manage to get back into the low 50s for the Rochester area, while most of the rest of the region sits in the mid and upper 40s.

Another weak system will pass by on Sunday, keeping skies cloudy and bringing a few scattered showers to the area. Winds will become southwesterly for a brief time, helping temperatures into the low 50s.

A few early showers Monday will be followed by some sunshine. Highs will continue to creep up, reaching the mid 50s.

Tuesday is an uncertain day as a sharp front develops near or over the region. If we end up on the warm side for a time, temperatures could push into the 60s. It would likely be short lived, with a quick drop into the 40s as the front moves through. There may even be another chance for some snow showers Tuesday night behind the front.

Temperatures will likely remain near or under 50 degrees for the rest of next week with additional chances for showers. However, by the following week, warmer weather looks more possible.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wednesday april 14 2021
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

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Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.