Temperatures remain warm as another batch of rain arrives by afternoon

finger lakes weather forecast wednesday december 27 2023 rain warm temperatures
Widespread rain will fall this afternoon with temperatures again near 50 degrees. Showers will linger into the weekend with only a gradual decline in temperature.

Above Average Temperatures

Mild air will remain in place for a few more days while low pressure brings another batch of steady rain this afternoon.

The weather map is complex this morning, with a trio of low pressure systems. A large, weakening low remains across the middle of the nation, while a stronger coastal low is starting to take shape off the coast of South Carolina. A front extends north from this low, bridging to a weak low over southern Ontario.

It is this third, weak low that will bring rain back into our area today, while the coastal low keeps our weather unsettled for the following days. Since the original low far to our west will simply dissipate, there is not a cold air mass immediately ready to move in behind the coastal low.

Our region is in a lull between areas of precipitation this morning, but the radar will fill back in. Steady rain will spread from west to east during the late morning and midday hours. Most of the afternoon will be locked into the steady rain. A few embedded periods of heavier rain are possible.

Additional rain amounts should stay under an inch with little to no flooding problems expected.

The rain should move out early this evening, leaving just scattered showers through the overnight, Thursday, and into Friday. It will not be raining the whole time through Friday, and there may even be a glimpse of sunshine here or there mixing in.

Temperatures today and tomorrow will be in the same range they have been in the last couple of days. Look for afternoon highs to peak around 50 degrees, with urban areas and broad valleys slightly above 50 degrees, and higher elevations slightly below.

Like last night, temperatures tonight will not get lower than the mid 40s. Friday morning will be a touch cooler, but still far above average, with lows around 40 degrees.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wed dec 27 | wed, periods of rain near 50 | thur, m cloudy with showers near 50 | fri, m cloudy with showers mid 40 | sat, a few rain, snow showers upper 30 | sun, mostly cloudy upper 30 | mon, a few snow showers mid 30 | tues, sun and clouds mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Weekend Weather and the Start of 2024

Gradually, cooler air will start to filter into the region as the coastal low meanders eastward and high pressure builds across central Canada.

Friday will still have temperatures into the 40s, but only the warmest locations should sneak above 45 degrees. As mentioned above, there will still be spits of rain scattered throughout the region.

These will transition to some limited lake effect activity Friday Night into Saturday. At first, most of this will be rain, but some snow will mix in and take over before the activity dissipates Saturday evening.

Saturday’s temperatures will start in the mid 30s while afternoon highs mainly make it into the upper 30s.

Sunday morning will start off a bit cooler, yet with most areas near or just above 30 degrees. A stray flurry cannot be ruled out, but for the most part, it should just be a cloudy, dry day. Afternoon highs will be similar to Saturday in the upper 30s.

A few lake flakes may return on Monday as winds shift, but these snow showers look minor with little to no impact. Temperatures will be near 30 degrees Monday morning and highs will reach the mid 30s.

Mainly quiet weather is expected for the middle and end of next week with temperatures holding in the 30s.

The weather may become more active towards the weekend and into the following week, but it is too early to tell what this may mean for our region.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast wed dec 27 | wed, periods of rain near 50 | thur, m cloudy with showers near 50 | fri, m cloudy with showers mid 40 | sat, a few rain, snow showers upper 30 | sun, mostly cloudy upper 30 | mon, a few snow showers mid 30 | tues, sun and clouds mid 30
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.