Sunshine this morning, but rain and storms return Wednesday

finger lakes weather forecast tuesday june 25 2024 sun clouds showers storms
Temperatures will be back into the 80s today, but humidity will not return until Wednesday morning, setting the stage for possible heavy rain late Wednesday. [Photo by Meteorologist Drew Montreuil]

Mid-Week Weather

A weak area of high pressure overhead today will be replaced by a passing low pressure system tomorrow.

Skies are clear across the region to start today. However, thin clouds will build in this morning on the very edge of a large and impressive complex of thunderstorms dropping south through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois.

The clouds will likely thicken during the afternoon and a few stray showers lingering as a remnant part of this storm complex may dot the area late in the day. No thunderstorms are expected, and most areas will not even see any rain before sunset.

Winds will be much different today compared to yesterday. Wind speeds will be much lighter, generally under or up to 10 mph. The wind direction will be from the southwest compared to yesterday’s northwest winds.

These winds will bring in warmer air with highs today mostly in the mid 80s. The humidity will lag, however, and dewpoints will stick to the 50s or even 40s today.

The chances for showers will increase overnight and dewpoints will rise steadily, reaching the 60s by Wednesday morning. Overnight lows will only make it into the mid and upper 60s with a few places hovering around 70 degrees.

Dry but cloudy conditions are likely Wednesday morning and into the early afternoon. Temperatures will rise into the low and mid 80s.

Showers and storms will arrive for the latter half of the afternoon.

The best chance for severe weather tomorrow will be south over Pennsylvania, but a few strong thunderstorms are not out of the question over the southern half of the region.

Heavy rain may be a bigger concern, with some models showing a large area of steady rain and downpours lasting several hours through the late afternoon. If this develops, localized areas could see as much as 2 inches of rain.

This rain could persist into the evening before tapering to showers overnight. A few showers will linger into Thursday morning before skies brighten for the afternoon. Winds will be a bit blustery from the northwest, but not as strong as on Monday.

Temperatures on Thursday will start the day in the upper 50s and reach a high in the mid 70s. Dewpoints will drop back into the 50s.

finger lakes weather 7-day forecast tue jun 25 | tues, sun and thin clouds mid 80 | wed, late rain, thunderstorms low 80 | thur, am showers pm sun mid 70 | fri, mostly sunny late clouds low 80 | sat, rain and thunderstorms near 80 | sun, a few scattered showers mid 70 | mon, mostly sunny low 70
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected. Click to enlarge.

Weekend Weather Forecast

The weather Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will largely mimic today, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Friday will be the sunny day, like today. A gradual increase in thin clouds is expected later in the day.

Winds will be light on Friday, allowing the sunshine to warm the atmosphere. Highs will return to the low 80s after a cool start in the upper 40s and low 50s.

Rain showers from the next weather maker may arrive as early as the predawn hours Saturday. Showers and thunderstorms are expected to be numerous on and off throughout Saturday.

The atmosphere will be particularly humid and moisture-laden, meaning heavy rainfall may again end up being the biggest concern on Saturday. As of now, the severe weather parameters look meager, but heavy rain parameters are much more impressive.

The fine details of when rain is most favored on Saturday are still uncertain, though it looks like there may be morning rain from a warm front and later day rain from a cold front, which could leave some slightly drier time in the middle.

Sunday will have a few lingering showers and cooler temperatures with highs in the mid 70s.

Monday will turn sunny, but not yet warmer. Morning lows will be well down into the 50s and afternoon highs will be in the low and mid 70s.

Tuesday next week also looks dry, with the next system rolling in towards Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures should get a bit of a jump ahead of that system with highs back in the 80s.

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finger lakes weather 7-day forecast tue jun 25 | tues, sun and thin clouds mid 80 | wed, late rain, thunderstorms low 80 | thur, am showers pm sun mid 70 | fri, mostly sunny late clouds low 80 | sat, rain and thunderstorms near 80 | sun, a few scattered showers mid 70 | mon, mostly sunny low 70
This graphic represents an average over the entire Finger Lakes region. Localized variations should be expected.

2025 Weather Calendar Photos EARLY DEADLINE!

I have begun the photo selection process for the 2025 calendar, much earlier this year than in years past! The deadline for photos will be sometime in July. I am now accepting photos of all weather types and all seasons for consideration in the calendar! Just fill out the easy uploader form at the following link to submit your entries. » Submit your photos here! «

Follow Meteorologist Drew Montreuil:
Meteorologist Drew Montreuil has been forecasting the weather in the Finger Lakes region since 2006 and has degrees in meteorology from SUNY Oswego (B.S. with Honors) and Cornell (M.S.). Drew and his wife have four young boys. When not working or playing with the boys, he is probably out for a run through the countryside.