Wintry, icy mix Tuesday afternoon and evening
This chart is designed to show what precipitation types and intensities can be expected around the Finger Lakes throughout Tuesday afternoon and evening.
This chart is designed to show what precipitation types and intensities can be expected around the Finger Lakes throughout Tuesday afternoon and evening.
Precipitation is increasing in both coverage and intensity late Sunday afternoon. Snow is widespread across much of the Finger Lakes, with most of the mixed precipitation now locked in across the Southern Tier. Here in Groton, the temperature has dropped … Read More
As expected, some precipitation has broken out across the region this evening, primarily in the form of snow for the Finger Lakes.
A push of warmer air will cause precipitation to break out this afternoon across the Finger Lakes.
So far, this storm system is behaving almost exactly as expected. The first batch of precipitation has moved through and most of the region is in a lull early this morning. That lull will not last as a large area … Read More