Bitter cold air arrives in Finger Lakes Friday, along with some lake effect snow.
Cold air will drop south into the Finger Lakes Friday on strong northwest winds, leading to lake effect snow and some very cold wind chills.
Cold air will drop south into the Finger Lakes Friday on strong northwest winds, leading to lake effect snow and some very cold wind chills.
The Blizzard of 2015 is unleashing its full fury on New England this Tuesday morning, but will remain well to the east of the Finger Lakes. Still, some snow showers
Cold air wrapping around low pressure over New England will seep into the Finger Lakes today.
The weekend is starting out cold, with Saturday morning temperatures within a couple degrees on either side of 0º.
Temperatures in the Finger Lakes this morning are generally near or just above 0º…but that is balmy compared to the upper Midwest! Some of the normally colder locations in the Finger Lakes region could drop as low as -10º Wednesday … Read More